
獨自去歐遊第三站 之 血拼LFC Store 💳💸🧾

When you walk through a storm~Hold your head up high~And don't be afraid of the dark~At the end of a storm~There's a golden sky~And the sweet silver song of a lark~


R.I.P. Marianne Faithfull(1946 - 2025)🍂

It is the evening of the day~I sit and watch the children play~Smiling faces I can see~But not for me~I sit and watch as tears go by~


獨自去歐遊第二站 - 溫情滿瀉的Londonderry 💚

創下Channel 4五年來喜劇首播最高收視紀錄,獲得Rotten Tomatoes 98%支持率,IMDB得分為8.4,由知名劇作家/編劇Lisa McGee創作的【Derry Girls】是一部在北愛爾蘭極受歡迎的電視連續劇,平均觀眾達519,000名,佔全國觀眾的64.2%,我在香港跟很多朋友、同事推薦此劇,結果居然沒半個人認識,然而,在Derry那邊,這可是他們全市人的驕傲。